영문 DasBoot 특전 유보트 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 4,000원
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Das Boot Script
Our bosuns mate.
Been on quite a bender tonight.
Who are those pigs?
Their fireboat drill.
Theyre all from my boat.
Martens crew.
They move out at dawn.
Its time to find ourselves
a little French quail.
Do you know how to flush it out?
Theyre scared. They comfort
themselves in women and schnapps.
- Whats going on here?
- Ready ... Fire!
- Sir.
- My second officer.
This is Lieutenant Werner.
War correspondent.
Hell ship out with us, and report
the truth about life on a submarine.
- Welcome on board, Lieutenant.
- Good evening.
Come and have a drink with us.
- Good evening, Captain.
- Two beers, please.
Wheres our friend Thomsen?
He should be celebrating his medal.
Have you talked to your wife?
No calls to Germany
before oclock.
- Two beers.
- Thanks.
My report from U sir.
All provisions and arms aboard.
- Thank you.
- One more thing, Captain.
On the way here
some of the crew molested me.
It was ... quite outrageous.
- They stopped me and ...
- You were initiated?
- Exactly.
- Me, too.
May I have your attention?
Silence would be appreciated!
Id like to call on Lt. Thomsen,
our latest hero!
Thomsen is from the old guard.
Hes always drunk now.
Quiet in this whorehouse!
To our wonderful ... abstaining ...
womanless Fuhrer, -
- who rose gloriously
from an apprentice painter -
- to become the worlds
greatest battle strategist.
Isnt it true?
Hes a great naval expert.
Who, in his infinite wisdom ...
How does it go again?
Our great Fuhrer has been showing
their English bed-wetter ...
... the cigar-chomping
asshole Churchill ...
... where exactly to go
and stick his stinking cigars.
Excuse me.
Ill see you in the morning.
I must phone home.
Phillip, the old bunch has gone.
Look at these new heroes.
All wind and smoke. Big mouths.
Yeah, yeah ...
Cheeks together.
Balls in hand.
And the belief in our Fuhrer
in their eyes.
They will know in time.
Combat! Conquer! Order!
Come on, Phillip.
Give me a hand. Help me get him up.
I wanted to really ...
screw my brains out tonight, -
- but Im not
in any condition to fuck.
Thats Thomsens boat.
Find anything wrong with our boat?
- The propeller plate was banged.
- I see.
- That explains the whining noise.
- Weve got a brand new one.
Thats our boat.
Stand by for inspection! Attention!
Eyes left!
All hands present and accounted for.
The boat is clear for sea, Captain.
Thank you, Number One.
At ease.
Well, men ...
- All set?
- All set, sir!
We have a guest on board.
Lt. Werner.
A war correspondent.
He has even brought his camera.
He is writing about war heroes.
See you remember your manners.
- Aye-aye, sir!
- Harbour stations, men.
Sink them all!
Get those crates out of here!
This isnt a vegetable garden.
Get those crates out of here!
This isnt a vegetable garden.
Fish store, where we maintain
and store the torpedoes.
- Youre going to be in the papers!
- Thank you, men.
Follow me. Here we have the can.
Just one for men.
The other ones full of provisions.
You cant eat shit. Logical, no?
Heres the Chief Petty Officers
quarters. My home away from home.
- Ive brought plenty of books.
- You have it really cosy here.
- Where are you, Lieutenant?
- I hope you dont get sea sick.
Heres the radio and the hydrophone.
The eyes and ears of the boat.
Heres the control room.
The boats command post.
Through here, Lieutenant.
Wake up, youve got company.
Good morning, Lieutenant.
The petty officers bunk
sleeps men.
Two to a bunk.
One sleeps while one is on duty.
One man comes off watch and
climbs into the other mans stink.
Youve got a bunk to yourself
since youre a guest on board.
- Here.
- This is your escape gear.
- You can use it in the shower.
- The mask helps out with the stink.
Of Frenssens feet!
Come on.
This is our galley.
And heres Johann, our phantom.
Johann, everything in order?
- Permission to come up?
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Its better to take photos
on our return from the mission.
What do you mean?
Theyll have grown beards by then.
The British will be ashamed
to see these shaven faces.
Pale-faced kids.
Innocents dragged from mamas skirt.
Sailing with them
makes you feel so old.
Its like a childrens crusade.
- Permission to pass, sir.
- Carry on.
- Bon appetit
- Thank you.
- From Mexico, arent you?
- Yes. South of Mexico City.
- Good there?
- Very nice. Good climate.
- Quite a way.
- As a German, I had to come.
- Did you work there?
- On my step-parents plantation.
- Youre the bosss son?
- You could say so.
- Stand by, fiirst watch.
- Excuse me.
Can I get by?
Permission to go on watch, Captain.
A new breed, our Mexican recruit.
A young machine.
He follows orders without question.
Hes so uptight he could
crack nuts with his butt cheeks.
- Permission to come up?
- Yes, Lieutenant.
Stand by main vents.
- Shut out main engines!
- All hands forward!
All hands forward!
Come on, move it.
Come on, move! Move! Faster!
Get a move on, you guys!
Its an alarm, not a blasted cruise!
Get into diving positions!
Blow negative tank.
Stern planes ease to degrees.
Not bad. Practice
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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  • 광주5 18민주화운동과피해자
  • 대사 산책 제 1권 1980년대 - 광주학살과 서울올림픽』, 인물과 사상사, 2003.-김영택,『실록 518광주 민중운동』, 창작지대사, 1996. -pp.39~40-황석영,『518 그 삶과 죽음의 기록』, 풀빛, 1996.-정상용유시민 외, 『광주민중항쟁』, 돌베개, 1990.-최영태 외,『518그리고 역사-그들의 나라에서 우리 모두의 나라로』, 길, 2008.-강준만,「5ㆍ18 광주학살의 진실 악(惡)의 평범성에 대하여」, 인물과 사상사, 2003,-김영역,「연구논문 5ㆍ18광주민중항쟁의 초기

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