[마케팅] 뉴로마케팅(neuromarketing) 장점과 미래(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2012.09.05 / 2019.12.24
  • 21페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Introduction

2. The Macro Environment
2.1 Changes in technology
2.2 Changes in the market

3. The Micro Environment
3.1 Power Changeover: From dogs to cats
3.2 Fear of failure
a) Corporate’s fear of failure
b) Consumer’s fear of failure
c) The solution phase
3.3 Welcoming the “Prosumers”

4. Advantages of Implementing Neuromarketing
4.1. Exploring the Subconsciousness of Consumers
4.2 Understanding Consumers Across the Globe
4.3 Understanding Fast-evolving needs and Wants of Consumers

5. Application of Neuromarketing and Technology
5.1 KIA’s K7
a) eye-tracking device
b) fMRI
5.2 KGC’s Donginbi
a) product development stage
b) promotion stage

6. The Future of Neuromarketing
6.1 The development of technology - robots, biotechnology
6.2 A “Connected” World
6.3 Individualized consideration for consumers
6.4 The change in main media
6.5 Future Implications

7. Limitations and Problems

8. Appendix
8.1 Internet sources
8.2 Statistical data
8.3 Articles and journals
8.4 Books
1. Introduction
Neuromarketing is a marketing strategy in which neuroscience is applied to collect information on people’s physical and brain reactions. The information is then used in various marketing strategies. When analyzing brain functions, neuroscientists generally use either electroencephalography (EEG) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) technology. EEG measures fluctuations in the electrical activity directly below the scalp, which occurs as a result of neural activity. By attaching electrodes to subjects' heads and evaluating the electrical patterns of their brain waves, researchers can track the intensity of visceral responses such as anger, lust, disgust, and excitement. The fMRI, on the other hand, uses a giant magnet to track the blood flow throughout the brain as test subjects respond to visual, audio, or even taste cues.
In the field of marketing, scholars have agreed that there are three major trends that are newly arising. These include the emphasis on social relationship, brand relationship, and emotional relationship. Social relationship is mainly achieved through Social Networking Services marketing, where businesses actively communicate with consumers and apply their responses directly to their marketing strategies. Brand relationship is related to a form of marketing where more specific form of contents is delivered to consumers through platforms like YouTube, smartphone services, and much more. Rather than promoting the brand, this type of marketing encourages consumers to voluntarily perceive the contents and find interest in them. Lastly, emotional relationship, where emotions and feelings of consumers are significantly emphasized, is obtained through neuromarketing. Understanding how and why consumers feel various emotions is the most essential step for all marketing strategies, since they can turn out to be a great failure if customers do not empathize with them. In a sense, neuromarketing, dealing with emotions and subconscious of consumers, encompasses virtually all kinds of marketing trends to come in the future.

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