[소비자행동] 메가스터디 7-S 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.09.23 / 2019.12.24
  • 18페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Purpose of the Project
2. Method for Conducting case analysis
3. 7-S Model Analysis
3.1 Strategy
3.2 Structure
3.3 System
3.4 Staffing
3.5 Skill
3.6 Style
3.7 Shared Values
4. Verified Key-Problem-Statements
4.1 Significance of Following Problems
4.2 Problem Statement 1
4.3 Problem Statement 2
5. Recommendations
5.1 Recommendation to Problem Statement 1
5.2 Recommendation to Problem Statement 2
6. Appendix
3.2 Structure
Megastudy currently has a divisional structure, with two big divisions focusing on business’s internal management, such as researching and recruiting, and business’s content development and external management, such as media publicizing. Instructors are part of company staff, but there is a complete division between normal staff and instructors, except for CEO Son, who is also a famous instructor himself. This structure causes lack of communication between two staff types, leading to less organizational integration. As a service providing business, Megastudy is highly customer loyalty, and instructors are experts in a particular subject.

3.3 Systems
Instructors of Megastudy receive 22% profit from each student’s tuition fee. This compensation system motivates instructors financially to provide higher quality lessons in order to attract more students. On the other hand, this worsens the polarization of income between top instructors and less popular instructors, creating conflicts. Megastudy allows customers to rate lessons so quality can further improve, while providing multimedia Q&A systems online in order to instantly answer customer questions and overcome the limitations of online education of lack of immediate response to customers (students).

3.4 Staffing
‘Star instructors’ are usually recruited by job offer from Megastudy, and many of them are already famous instructors from other institutions. Other staff members are recruited by standard company recruitment process, either online or offline. Recruited instructors are trained with various methods for effective lessons such as hand gestures and voice tone variation. Instructors are also given statistical analysis of their students for evaluation and improvement. Company CEO Son has great influence over both the instructors and the normal staff, allowing him to be an autocratic leader.

3.5 Skills
Megastudy, as a pioneer of the online education business, is successful in using internet as a medium to provide appropriate service contents to target customers. It also effectively adapts to rapidly changing external factors, constantly updating its service contents and systems to gain competitive advantage. However, it shows great weakness when it comes to the adult education industry, and requires more information and systems that will help the company to increases its customer size.

3.6 Style
CEO Son is not a professional manager, but started as an instructor, and still teaches Humanities and Social Studies, which he is an expert in. However, as a founder of Megastudy, Son has provided numerous business ideas that have allowed Megastudy to develop as it is now, such as combining internet with educational contents, or providing selective scholarships to students who achieved their goals. Son is thus very critical and influential to the company, making decision making process highly centralized to the top managers including Son, and allowing him to become an autocratic leader.

http://www.megastudy.net/ 메가 스터디
http://www.mbest.co.kr/ 엠 베스트
http://junior.mbest.co.kr/ 엠 주니어
http://www.megamd.co.kr/메가 MD
http://www.megals.co.kr/ 메가 로스쿨
http://www.megastudy.net/megabooks/ 메가 북스
ttp://www.etoos.com/ 이투스
http://www.fnnews.com/view?ra=Sent1501m_View&corp=fnnews&arcid=0921434145&cDateYear=2008&cDateMonth=09&cDateDay=25 신문기사
World internet statistics http://www.internetworldstats.com/top20.htm
United Nations Development Programme Report 2009 (page 171 of pdf file)
Business Week – Where a Teacher Can Make Millions http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_50/b4013056.htm
Management Style: http://magazine.hankyung.com/main.php?module=news&mode=sub_view&mkey=1&vol_no=683&art_no=23&sec_cd=1005
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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