[약리학] 아스피린의 항암제 효과(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.03.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 15페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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1. Introduction

1.1. Mechanism related with cyclooxygenase
1.1.1 Biochemistry of cyclooxygenases (COX)
1.1.2. Cyclooxygenase-prostanoid cascade

1.2. Aspirin as a COX inhibitor
1.2.1. Introduction of Aspirin
1.2.2. Aspirin's Effects on Cyclooxygenase

2. Precedent study: Relation between aspirin and cancer

2.1 Aspirin induces apoptosis in YD-8 human oral squamous carcinoma cells

2.2 Aspirin Arrests Human Colon Cancer Cells in G0/G1

2.3 NSAIDs inhibit angiogenesis

3. Experiment: MTT assay for drug cytotoxicity

3.1. Materials

3.2. Methods
3.2.1. Preparing Fadu cell
3.2.2. Aspirin treatment
3.2.3. MTT assay

3.3. Result

3.4 Discussion


1.1.2. Cyclooxygenase-prostanoid cascade

Figure 1.1. Metabolism of arachidonic acid

Despite the diverse chemical structure of aspirin-like drugs, the antinociceptive effect of NSAIDs is mainly due totheir common property of inhibiting cyclooxygenases involved in the formation of prostanoids. Prostanoids areformed by most cells and act as autocrine and paracrine lipid mediators. They are not stored but are synthesized de novo from membrane-released arachidonic acid mobilized by phospholipases (PLA2) when cells are activated by mechanical trauma, cytokines and growth factors, etc. Conversionof arachidonic acid to prostanoid endproducts is carried out by cyclooxygenases (COX), also known as prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS), at two different sites on the enzyme.
Arachidonic acid is initially cyclized and oxidized to the endoperoxide PGG2 at the cyclooxygenase site of the COX and the product then reduced to a second endoperoxide PGH2 at the peroxidase site. Subsequent formation of prostaglandin end products from PGH2 depends on the presence of specific synthases that produce the functionally important prostanoids PGD2, PGE2, PGF2, PGI2 (prostacyclin) and TXA2 (thromboxane). These prostaglandins may undergo facilitated transport out of the cell by prostaglandin transporters (PGT) and ot
-Aspirin induces apoptosis in YD-8 human oral squamous carcinoma cells through activation of caspases, down-regulation of Mcl-1, and inactivation of ERK-1/2 and AKT, In-Sook Park, Toxicology in Vitro 24 (2010) 713.720

-COX-dependent mechanisms involved in the antinociceptive action
of NSAIDs at central and peripheral sites
Pharmacology & Therapeutics 107 (2005) 139 - 154

-Cyclooxygenase 2 induction: Molecular mechanism and pathophysiologic roles
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine, Volume 128, Issue 3, September 1996, Pages 242-245, Kenneth K. Wu

-Cyclooxygenase enzymes: catalysis and inhibition
Current Opinion in Structural Biology, Volume 11, Issue 6, 1 December 2001, Pages 752-760
Ravi G. Kurumbail, James R. Kiefer, Lawrence J. Marnett

-Cyclooxygenase mechanisms
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, Volume 4, Issue 5, 1 October 2000, Pages 545-552
Lawrence J Marnett

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  • 성인간호학실습 케이스스터디 (울혈성 심부전) [간호진단 및 간호과정 4개]
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