[조직행동론] 맥킨지 7S 모델을 통한 롯데월드의 조직 분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2011.01.18 / 2019.12.24
  • 18페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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.A.Table of contents
A-1.Table of contents
B. Overview of project
B-1Purpose of project
B-2 Method for Conducting Case Analysis
C. Discussion of McKinsey 7-S Analysis of the Lotte World
C-1 Strategy
C-2 Structure
C-3 Systems
C-4 Staffing
C-5 Skills
C-6 Style
C-7 Shared Values
D. Discussion of Key Problems
D-1 Communication
#1-1Contradiction between inflexible hierarchy and team system
#1-2High rate of temporary employees
D-2 Deficient reaction to external environment
#2-2Limitation in business expansion
E-1 Communication
#1-1 Contradiction between inflexible hierarchy and team system
#1-2 High rate of temporary employees
E-2 Deficient reaction to external environment
#2-2Limitation in business expansion
F. Appendices
F-1 Brainstorming
F-2 Summary of McKinsey 7-S Table
F-3 Key Finding Table
F-4 Table for Recommendations
G. Sources
D. Discussion of Key Problems
Problem statement #1Lack of communication
#1-1 Contradiction between inflexible hierarchy and team system
One of the most important problems of LotteWorld is Contradiction between inflexible hierarchy and various teams, the problem of structure. LotteWorld is a kind of multi entertainment companies which offers various products and services to stimulate and satisfy customer’s 5 senses. So there are a lot of operation teams as suggested in appendix. The problem is based on these complex structures of group. Basically LotteWorld suggest strict hierarchy system which mainly operated by managers who represent each department. And the roles of managers became ambiguous as LotteWorld’s department has been diversified and specified. And this complex structure cause many communicational problems with company’s strategy, system and style
The most noticeable problem caused between LotteWorld’s structure and strategy. LotteWorld want to be globalized theme park which reflect many different people’s flavor. And as communication technology is developed, the change of people’s flavor is getting more speed. To respond these tendencies, LotteWorld operates many temporary teams which suggest many different ideas. And these types of teams take short term operation plans each and because of their diversity, they usually take complex differentiation format. However the upper level of strict and vertical hierarchy structure offers long term operation plans and simple differentiation format. As a result, the communication between upper side and lower side of structure did not flow properly and even formal athletic meetings, get-together, discussions are conducted separately according to department.This communicational severance caused lack of overall plan of entire organization and models through the service process, the systematical problem.
#1- 2 High rate of temporary employees
Most temporary employees tend to change jobs frequently. High turnover rate makes it hard to train every temporary employee to understand vision and value of LotteWorld.
LotteWorld recruits temporary workers in large part of business sales position that contact customers directly to improve profit structure. In general, temporary employees doesn’t maintain their own job until they retire (even their retirement isn’t guaranteed.) because they always worry about firing and unfair salary, and their worries result in decline of motivation. Because of low motivation, temporary employees cannot help losing the loyalty toward the company and desire to learn vision and value of organizational culture.
The reason why motivation is decreased can be explained by two theories. First, Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. In his theory, motivation is composed of five prepotent basic needs-physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization. The needs form pyramid shape, so if the formal need is satisfied, the latter need emerges. Applied to the temporary employees’ case, their need for physiological element which includes hunger, thirst, and basic need to be alive is satisfied by earning money. However, next need, safety isn’t fully satisfied because of unstable job environment. The deficiency causes love, esteem, and self-actualization can’t be filled. In other words, they have lack of drive force to achieve goal-motivation. Secondly, in job satisfaction aspect, inequity makes temporary employees disappointed. Although regular and temporary employees perform same work in same level, temporary employees have to receive less pay. Inequity causes anger of temporary employees, and forces them to work worse to meet the degree of the salary.
Sure, managers try to make norms to control performance of temporary employees, for example, monitoring system, but the communication way of down-up rarely happens as they
Interview with Seung bum Lee, Sung ho Yoon from HR department ,Lotte World
Union communitywww.lwunion.or.kr
Lotte World web page www.lotteworld.com
Lottegroup web page www.lotte.co.kr
“Organizational Behvior; key concepts,skills& best practice”: Kinicki&Kreitner R(2009). 4th Ed
“Organizational Alignment : The 7-S Model” : Havard Business School (1996)
Mae kyoung economist (2010.05.25)
테마파크이용객의만족도에관한연구. 이주한. 2001. 관광품질시스템학회
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