[국제금융론] 동아시아 지역의 화교자본과 한국(영문)

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  • 2010.12.14 / 2019.12.24
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Chinese Capital and East Asia

International Finance


I. Introduction

II. Overseas Chinese in East Asia
1. Definition of Overseas Chinese Economies
1) Overseas Chinese Economies appeared with the Chinese Reform-Open policy in the 1980’s
2) Names and the extent
2. The nature and character of Overseas Chinese Economies
3. Formation of Overseas Chinese Economies (Economic Factor)

III. Overseas Chinese Capital in East Asian Region
1. Hong Kong
2. Malaysia
3. Thailand
4. Indonesia
5. The Philippines
6. Singapore

IV. Chinese Capital in Korea
1. Chinese in Korea
1) Historical background Chinese migration in Korea
2) Traditional Employment of Chinese in Korea
3) Emerging Occupations
A. Trading Business
B. Tourism
C. Financial Business
2. Policy Advice for Future Cooperation
1) Cooperation from the Public Sector
2) Support Building New Korean-Chinatowns
3) Improve legal and institutional status
3. Cooperation from the Business Sector
1) Building Networks
2) Promotion of Partnership
3) Foundation of Collaboration in Banking Sector

V. Conclusion

III. Overseas Chinese Capital in East Asian Region

1. Hong Kong

The population of Hong Kong is about 6.3 million and 98% of it is Chinese with 90% of them are from Guangdong province. The external structure of large corporates in Hong Kong seems to be westernized but the internal look shows rather family-oriented management system. Until 1988, ten family-owned companies dominated about 54% of Hong Kong’s stock market, seven of them were Chinese and the rest were British owned companies. Recently, Hong Kong has emerged as the hub of overseas Chinese capital, enhancing the network among them. The amount of money that Chinese corporate are holding in Hong Kong is known as around 1000 million dollar in forms of real estate, stock share, bank deposits, etc.
Since its return to China in 1997, politically, Hong Kong has been the special administrative region of People’s Republic of China, but economically, it has enjoyed independent economic system from China with the system of market-based capitalist economy. That’s why business men in Hong Kong are playing the role as network chains of Chinese economic regions without any economic restriction from the government. In addition, considering the fact the Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs) are the essential pillar that sustaining economic prosperity of China, Hong Kong takes a part in promoting foreign corporate’s entrance into the Chinese market. One of the central players of this crucial Hong Kong economy is Southeast Asian Chinese rooted in Hong Kong. Major corporations are DhaninChiaravanond family group and Huang Ziming family group of Thailand, GuoLingcan group and Robert Kuok’s in Malaysia, EungTenpong’s in Singapore, Lin Xiaoliang family company and Li Wenzheng group in Indonesia, and Australia’s Li Mingchi family group, which are total of eight groups.

2. Malaysia

Chinese in Malaysia have formed into unique characteristic of resisting cultural amalgamation compared to other countries. Previous administrations of Malaysia have noticed this situation and have promoted economic and non-cultural assimilations in various fields in pursuit for ethnic harmonization within the country. In 1997, the population of overseas Chinese in Malaysia was about 5,445,000 which took about 25% of the total population. It is estimated that Chinese possesses about 61% of the share of stock market in Malaysia and gets increasing portion in the professional occupation.
These days about 60% of administrative body and corporate management is dominated by those Chinese. The types of business that Chinese people are taking parts are so various that the number of Chinese corporates reaches up to 110,000 most of which are merchandise sellers, restaurant business, trading business and so on. Chinese manufacturing companies are about 10,000 in scale and specialized in the fields of machinery, construction, food manufacturing, etc. They also take parts in farming and mining industries with the number of 500-odd companies.
According to the report ‘500 International Overseas Chinese 2008’ researched by the Chinese weekly newspaper ‘Asia Weekly (亞洲週刊)’, top ten Chinese corporations in Malaysia are specialized in real estate and stock investment, recreational facilities, and so on. The number one companies of GentingBerhad (雲頂有限公司) and Resorts World Berhad (名勝世界公司) have expanded its business into the fields of stock investment, agriculture, hotel, real estate, paper industry, power plant, public enterprise, resorts, golf fields, real estate managing and apartment lease, and placed in 60th and 64th among ‘500 International Chinese Corporations’ respectively. However, as Southeast Asian economy was hit by the economic crisis of 1997, most of the Chinese companies also got into deep recession.

3. Thailand

[ASEAN에 있어서의 화교경제] 이안호
[화인자본의 활용과 한국경제의 글로벌화] 강한균, 배국향(2005)
[동남아시아 화교기업의 국제화와 문화] 김종식(2004)
[화교경제권과 아세안 국가들]
[동아시아 화인경제와 우리의 화인자본 활용방안] 최수웅, 박상수(1990)
[신의주 경제특구와 화교 자본에 관한 연구] 박기철

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