[마케팅] 구글 코리아 마케팅(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2009.09.03 / 2019.12.24
  • 20페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
  • est1est2est3est4est5 1(구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 2,000원
Naver Naver로그인 Kakao Kakao로그인
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I. Introduction: Google
II. Purpose
III. Situational Analysis: Internal and External Environments
a) Internal Environment: Google’s SWOT analysis
b) External Environment: market analysis
i. Naver (http://www.naver.com):
ii. Daum (http://www.daum.net):
IV. Marketing Orientation/Strategy
i. Internet user 1: Information gatherers
ii. Internet user 2: Networkers
iii. Internet user 3: Informers
iv. Internet user 4: Fun-lovers
v. Internet user 5: Shoppers
vi. Internet user 6: Internet Addicts
Target Marketing:
b) Marketing mix
i. Customer Solution
ii. Communication
iii. Customer cost
iv. Convenience
V. Conclusion
VI. Works cited
I. Introduction: Google
Despite its humble beginning as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996, Google attracted a vast majority of Internet users worldwide at its beginning. Swiftly evolving through a series of product developments, acquisitions, and partnerships, Google apace outgrew its competitors, Yahoo Search and MSN Search, and continued to grow. As of May 2009, Google had captured 81.50% of the global market share , had supported more than 104 languages or dialects, and had more than 115 nation-specific Google search engines tailored to the culture and the language of each country.

II. Purpose
In contrast to its stellar accomplishments in other parts of the world, Google has been struggling in the East Asian market. Particularly, Google’s performance has been the worst in Korea; 5% of Korean market share as of 2008 illustrates its dire performance. We will focus our study on identifying specific problems with Google Korea’s marketing methods and ways to improve of Google Korea.
Google has been offering its Korean version of search engine since 2001. However, in contrast to what many had expected, Google was not able to grab the majority of the market share in Korea, toppling with a mere 3.0% market share as of 2009.
We would like to develop marketing strategies that address unique features of the Korean internet market in order to improve Google’s performance in Korea. In order to do so, we will analyze situational factors of Korean internet market, clarify Google Korea’s SWOT and re-define a broader group of target consumers. Finally, we will derive a successful marketing mix with detailed positioning plan.

III. Situational Analysis: Internal and External Environments
a) Internal Environment: Google’s SWOT analysis
Strengths :
Google’s innovations in search technology paved its way to the world’s leading search engine. Clear and simple interface not only allows instant page loading, but also places ads only relevant to the contents of sites shown. Lastly, but most importantly, Google analyzes the relationships between websites to produce better ranking of results in
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  • 쓸만한 자료네요~ 돈은 아깝지 않습니다.
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    (2010.03.17 02:48:38)
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