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[영어 영화감상문/영어 감상문] 암살(Assassination)

다운로드: icon암살.docx

The movie is set at the time of the period of Japanese colonial rule. This movie made the audiences reminded of the colonial time, and we can live like this because the many fighters for independence sacrificed their lives for our country, Korea.

After seeing the movie, I felt so grateful toward them, and respect them sincerely, and my family and friends who saw the movie felt like me, too.
2024-05-11 04:33:58 최근 수정일: 2019-11-06 15:55:18. 총퀴리수 : 3 총쿼리시간 : 0.00214 [0.00059]/[ DB:report] select count(*) AS CNT from psCart where SessNum='20240511043358334382'; [0.00053]/[ DB:report] SELECT seq FROM psRlist WHERE rpID=768676; [0.00102]/[ DB:report] SELECT * FROM psReport WHERE rpID=768676;