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다운로드: iconWhat are the qualities of good leaders.docx

What are the qualities of good leaders?
Leaders are needed to manage a country or any organization. They are very important people. Under good leaders, the country will be stable and peaceful. In this way, it can prosper.

The same goes for organizations. They too need good leaders to lead them. They cannot grow or do well without good management or leaders. Schools too need leaders. They are the headmaster, class monitors, prefects and game captains. All of them have an important role to play to ensure the smooth running of the school. At home, parents are the leaders guiding the family.
2024-05-10 02:08:39 최근 수정일: 2019-11-06 15:55:18. 총퀴리수 : 3 총쿼리시간 : 0.00209 [0.00053]/[ DB:report] select count(*) AS CNT from psCart where SessNum='20240510020839168407'; [0.00052]/[ DB:report] SELECT seq FROM psRlist WHERE rpID=768607; [0.00104]/[ DB:report] SELECT * FROM psReport WHERE rpID=768607;